
Future events:

Job Alert
After 10 years at the TU/e, it’s time to say goodbye and take the next big step in my career. On January 1st I will start as Assistant Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Waterloo in Canada! I look forward to this big and exciting next step that we will take in 2025. My group will be centered around porous materials for electrochemical devices by combining additive manufacturing, machine learning, cell design, and imaging techniques with the aim to engineer improved and tailored designs. If this sounds interesting to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Past events:

AMCEL Thesis Award 2023 and AMCEL Symposium
November 1st, Amsterdam.
I am very honored to receive the AMCEL award for the best PhD thesis of 2023 in electrochemistry! I recieved the award during the AMCEL symposium where I additionally presented my thesis work and postdoctoral projects.
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AIChE conference
October 27nd - 31st, San Diego.
I attended the AIChE Annual conference in San Diego, where I presentied our work entitled: A Versatile Optimization Framework for Porous Electrode Design: Coupling a Genetic Algorithm and a Pore Network Model.
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Journal Cover
Happy to see our work on genetic optimization of porous electrodes for electrochemical applications featured at the inside cover of Digital Discovery! You can find the cover and article here.

Pore Research Community Interview
David Rieder, Frank Peters, and I have been featured in the June edition of the EIRES - Eindhoven Institut for Renewable Energy Systems Energizer about the Pore Network Community we are setting up! This community aims to help newcomers to the field of Pore Network Modeling at TU/e to take the first steps in their research, but also for others working on this exciting topic to exchange thoughts and ideas and share their codes. You can read the interview here.

EMS group trip May 1-3
May 1st - 3rd we organized a group trip with the Electrochemical Materials and Systems group which included visits to TU Delft, Battolyser, UvA, and Surf. It was a great trip full of lab tours, scientific presentations, workshops, and group bonding!
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Redox Flow Battery Event April 8-9 2024 at TU/e: Flow4UBattery Event
Zwarte Doos, Auditorium, and Helix at the Eindhoven University of Technology campus
On April 8th and 9th the TU/e, Team Energy, EIRES, and 4TU organized a redox flow battery event. The first day was focussed on in-depth scientific talks and discussions about redox flow battery research, and on the second day we provided hands-on workshops, demonstrations, and lab tours. We look back at a great event full of inspiring talks and insightful scientific discussions.
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PhD defense, 16:00 December 6, 2023, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Room 0.710, in the Atlas building at Eindhoven University of Technology
December 6th I successfully defended my thesis entitled: Engineering Porous Electrodes for Redox Flow Batteries - modeling, diagnostics, and manufacturing
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